
Still Life | Page 3

Oil Paintings: 1
Works on Paper: 1 2
BASKET OF WILD STRAWBERRIES, 2004, oil pastel, 8" x 13"
WHITE TEAPOT WITH WHITE AND RED GRAPES, 2004, oil pastel, 8" x 12"
JAR OF APRICOTS, 2004, oil pastel, 9" x 9"
PEWTER JUG WITH BASKET OF PEACHES, 2004, oil pastel, 9" x 9"
FAST-DAY MEAL, 2004, oil pastel, 8" x 13"
CUT MELON, 2004, oil pastel, 9" x 9", Private Collection
GRAPES AND POMEGRANATES, 2004, oil pastel, 8" x 8", Private Collection
GLASS OF WATER WITH COFFEE POT, 2004, oil pastel, 8" x 13"
CAT WITH SALMON, TWO MACKEREL, 2004, oil pastel, 12" x 8", Private Collection
CAT WITH RAY AND OYSTERS, 2004, oil pastel, 12" x 8"
Oil Paintings: 1
Works on Paper: 1 2 (Hommage á Chardin)

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