
Bridges & Cityscapes | Page 1

Oil Paintings: 1 2 3
Works on Paper: 1
BROOKLYN BRIDGE V, 2007, oil on canvas, 35" x 45"
BROOKLYN BRIDGE IV, 2007, oil on canvas, 60" x 40", Private Collection
"WALK BRIDGE" OVER THE NORWALK RIVER, 2005, oil on canvas, 30" x 75". Commissioned by the Norwalk Transit District as part of its Public Arts Program
QUEENSBOROUGH BRIDGE III (view from Smallpox Hospital, Roosevelt Island), 2005, oil on canvas, 30" x 60", Private Collection
WARD’S ISLAND BRIDGE, 2005, oil on canvas, 26" x 52", Private Collection
MICHIGAN AVENUE BRIDGE (CHICAGO), 2004, oil on canvas, 30" x 60", Frederick Baker Gallery lorfriedman@comcast.net
BAYONNE BRIDGE I, 2003, oil on canvas, 42" x 36"
BAYONNE BRIDGE II, 2003, oil on canvas, 26" x 52"
ASPHALT PLANT, 2002, oil on canvas, 26" x 42"
TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE, 1999, oil on canvas, 30" x 30", Private Collection
MACOMBS DAM BRIDGE, 2001, oil on canvas, 30" x 30", Private Collection
DYCKMAN STREET BRIDGE, 2002, oil on canvas, 26" x 52"
Oil Paintings: 1 2 3
Works on Paper: 1

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